Articles List:

Article Read Time Hit Count Written by
Basil the Blessed 5 mins 6478
Venerable Ignatius Bishop of Rostov - 5020
Venerable Ignatius of the Caves 1 min 4980
Euphrosyne Abbess of Polotsk 2 mins 8769
Isaac the Recluse of the Kiev Near Caves 2 mins 6623
Theodore the Silent of the Caves - 5750
Hypatius the Healer of the Caves 1 min 4926
Nestor the Chronicler of the Kiev Caves 5 mins 8393
Nicolas Sviatosha of Chernigov 2 mins 4648
Philaret Metropolitan of Moscow 4 mins 6787
Alypius the Iconographer of the Kiev Near Caves 3 mins 6864
Gospel parables, an Orthodox commentary 215 mins 16015 Fr. Victor Potapov
Approaching the Nativity 5 mins 5511 Fr. John Behr
Akathist Hymn to the Theotokos 16 mins 11445 The Church
Rising Victorious 6 mins 5141 Frederica Mathewes-Green
A Word About General Confession 5 mins 6468 Fr. Michael Westerberg
Some Reflections on Confession 15 mins 5283 Fr. Alexander Schmemann
Notes on the Lord’s Prayer 3 mins 6331 Fr. Seraphim Slobodskoy
Notes on the Prayer to the Holy Spirit 2 mins 5012 Fr. Seraphim Slobodskoy
What is the Orthodox Church? 5 mins 5986 Fr. John Meyendorff
Concerning the Date of Pascha and the First Ecumenical Council 14 mins 5717 Archbishop Peter L?Huillier
Community of Prayer 5 mins 5830 Fr. Georges Florovsky
The Human Icon 8 mins 5593 Fr. Thomas Hopko
St. Thomas Sunday 8 mins 5547 Archbishop Dmitri