Guidance to the Repentant (Page 8 of 8)

By: Bishop Alexander (Mileant)Read time: 29 mins9944 Hits

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When you reflect on your past, try to remember all the transgressions that you have committed – intentionally or involuntarily – with regard to God and the ones close to you. Were you ever the cause of sorrow or misfortune for others? Have you destroyed your family? Have you kept your marital fidelity and have you pushed others into sin? Have you directly or indirectly been involved in the sin of abortion? Have you been inclined toward indecent jests, anecdotes, immoral insinuations? Have you ever insulted the sanctity of love with cynical jeers? Bring the most sincere atonement in front of God and your spiritual father in all these and similar sins.

We are forever sinning, if not in deed, then in thoughts, feelings and words – consciously or unknowingly, voluntary and involuntary, so that it is impossible to remember all our sins.

However, we now genuinely repent and seek blessed help to improve ourselves. We promise to be vigilant and with the help of God, to avoid sin and create acts of love.

You oh Lord, through your mercy and sufferance,
forgive and remove from us the heavy weight of sin.
Bless us to partake of Thy Holy and Life giving Mysteries,
not for judgment or condemnation, but for healing of soul and body.


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