Bells and Russian Orthodox Peals (Page 6 of 6)

By: Fr. Seraphim SlobodskoyRead time: 25 mins9146 Hits


In conclusion, we note that Russian bell ringers attained high mastery of bell ringing and were famous throughout the world. Many tourists came from Europe, England and America to the feast of Pascha in Moscow, to hear the Paschal bells.

On the “Feast of Feasts” in Moscow, the bells of all its churches, numbering more than 5,000, were rung. Thus, whoever heard the Paschal bells of Moscow would never forget it. It was “a unique symphony,” as writer I. Shmelov expressed it. This powerful, festive sound permeated to Heaven a victorious hymn to the Resurrection of Christ.

(The basic description of the order of bell ringing is laid down for the most part in Practice of the Russian Church in Central Russia. The description of practice was compiled and confirmed by the many events and daily practices of the Russian Orthodox people, by the very life of the Orthodox Church.).

(from: The Law of God by Fr. Seraphim Slobodskoy)

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