Bells and Russian Orthodox Peals (Page 5 of 6)

By: Fr. Seraphim SlobodskoyRead time: 25 mins9146 Hits

Other forms

In the Chinovnei Knige, it is said that during the removal of Patriarch Joachim, there was a good news peal, alternately on all the bells (Vrem. Mask. Obshch. 1st. i drevi. 1852, vol. 15, p.22).

Not long ago we had occasion to learn that there exists still one other form of perebor. It is one stroke on each bell, but beginning with the largest to the smallest, and then a simultaneous striking of all the bells. This was put on a record, Rostovskie Zvoni (Rostov Bells), recorded in Rostov on 1963. In practice we have not heard such ringing, and there are no directions about them. Therefore we are unable to indicate where and when this pattern is used.

There also exists the so-called “beautiful ringing” on all the bells. The “beautiful ringing” exists at cathedral gatherings, monasteries, wherever they have a large collection of bells. The “beautiful ringing” is composed of several bell ringers in a company of five or more people. The beautiful ringing occurs on the great feast days, at festive and joyful events of the Church, and also for greeting the bishop of the diocese.

It is also necessary to mention the “alarm bell,” which serves a social purpose. By “alarm bell” is meant the uninterrupted, frequent strokes on the large bell. The “alarm bell” is used to alert people in the case of fire, flood, mutiny, invasion by an enemy, or some other form of social calamity.

The “vetchevnie” bell was used to call all the inhabitants of ancient Novgorod and Pskov to the vetche, or popular assembly.

Victories over the enemy and regiments returning from the fields of battle were announced with the joyous, festive trezvon on all the bells.

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