Akathist to St. Herman of Alaska

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Akathist to St. Herman of Alaska

 (Trisagion Prayers)

Kontakion 1

O Chosen Doer of Wonders, most glorious favorite of Christ, our God bearing Father Herman, Alaska’s adornment, the joy of all Orthodox in America. We sing to you, our heavenly protector and powerful intercessor before God, these songs of praise. Cease not to pray for your children, who cry fervently to you:

Rejoice our blessed Father Herman of Alaska, America’s most glorious doer of wonders.


Ikos 1

The Creator of the Angelic Hosts, called you, Father Herman, to proclaim the Orthodox faith in the new land and to be the founder of the monastic way in the remote lands of the North. You were sent, as was the Apostle Paul, to those sitting in darkness so that the light of Orthodoxy might brightly shine to all the ends of the world. We, the inhabitants of the American continents, bring you this thanksgiving and sing this song of praise to you, our heavenly protector:

Rejoice, our Father Herman, our glory, our adornment;

Rejoice, bringer of the light of the true faith to our lands;

Rejoice, gatherer of your own glory by your great spiritual effort;

Rejoice, most honored branch of Valaam Monastery;

Rejoice, praise and joy of the Church in America;

Rejoice, comforter and protector of all of us;

Rejoice, our blessed Father Herman of Alaska, America‘s most glorious doer of wonders.

Kontakion 2

In your early youth, O Blessed One, enkindled by the flame of love for the Lord, you desired to serve God and Him alone. As an offering, you dedicated your youth to God, beginning your journey from the hermitage of Valaam, where many novices sang ceaselessly to God: Alleluia!

Ikos 2

The Most High granted you spiritual wisdom in your youth that you might know the beauty and sweetness of heaven. For this reason, the wise Igumen Nazary, teacher of the blessed Seraphim of Sarov, taught you God’s wisdom and the Lord’s way. Therefore, the Holy Church praises you:

Rejoice, glorious Herman dedicator of your youth to Christ;

Rejoice, disciple together with Seraphim of Sarov;

Rejoice, performer of spiritual labors in glorious Valaam;

Rejoice, honored by all the brethren of Valaam Monastery;

Rejoice, learner of spiritual wisdom in Valaam;

Rejoice, glorified now by the Orthodox Church;

Rejoice, our blessed Father Herman of Alaska, America‘s most glorious doer of wonders.

Kontakion 3

The power of the Most High directed the divinely-wise primate of the Church in Russia, Gabriel, to send preachers of the Orthodox Faith to Alaska. The apostolic choice fell on you, O Blessed Herman, therefore, all the people enlightened by the Light of Christ through your labors and the personal example of your life, sang to the Lord: Alleluia!


Ikos 3

Showing great zeal not only in your spiritual labors as a novice, but also in your Apostolic fervor as you preached to a people sitting in darkness, you, O Blessed Herman, revealed the light of Christ to them with great power. Remembering your labors as a novice and your efforts to preach; with love we praise you:

Rejoice, uncomplaining giver of obedience to your Igumen;

Rejoice, beginner of a long journey to preach;

Rejoice, steadfast in your love for the land of your birth;

Rejoice, inflamed with love for your new found home;

Rejoice, initiator of the monastic way in America;

Rejoice, zealous preacher of the Orthodox Faith;

Rejoice, our blessed Father Herman of Alaska, America‘s most glorious doer of wonders.

Kontakion 4

O Blessed Father Herman, you endured storms of evil attacks and sorrows, by your efforts you persevered in this new land. Therefore, Christ glorified you with the gift of foresight, enriching you with miracles, granting you the Kingdom of Heaven where, together with the angels, you praise God in song: Alleluia!

Ikos 4

Hearing of the miracles revealed to your people when a forest fire and tidal wave were made to cease by your prayers, we implore you from the depths of our hearts and entreat you to aid us who call to you:

Rejoice, ascetic and prophet glorified by God;

Rejoice, holy favorite of God;

Rejoice, our intercessor and healer;

Rejoice, helper of many who called out to you;

Rejoice, healer of many afflicted and suffering;

Rejoice, our merciful and humble Father;

Rejoice, our blessed Father Herman of Alaska, America‘s most glorious doer of wonders.

Kontakion 5

O Blessed One, you have shone like the North Star on Spruce Island, the New Valaam, illuminating all of America with the brightness of your love and prayer, full of God’s power, so that from every corner of it the Orthodox people will sing fervently to God: Alleluia!

Ikos 5

Observing your humility, all are in awe of you, O Father Herman, for your rigorous asceticism and perseverance in monastic struggles. In this you followed the example of Anthony of the Caves, the founder of monasticism in Russia, even as he that of Anthony the Great, first monk of the world. You, the founder of monasticism in our land, chose in your great humility the way of a simple monk. Therefore, the holy choir of hierarchs and hieromonks sings these songs of praise to you:

Rejoice, founder of monasticism in our land;

Rejoice, imitator of Anthony the Great and Anthony of the Caves;

Rejoice, crowned, as they were, with heavenly glory;

Rejoice, promising the building of a glorious hermitage where you labored;

Rejoice, giver of your relics to your hermitage;

Rejoice, revealing a source of miracles from them to all the world;

Rejoice, our Blessed Father Herman of Alaska, America‘s most glorious doer of wonders.

Kontakion 6

The wilderness of the North proclaims your works and miracles, revealing you to be a new branch of the vineyard of the Church of Russia in America. The forests and wilderness are permeated with your prayers. Following the example of the ancient hermits, you cried out in the silence of the night to God: Alleluia!

Ikos 6

You enlightened the people who were living in darkness; you showed them an example of the monastic way of life. O our Godbearing Father Herman, pray that we all, giving thanks to the Lord, may ceaselessly sing you these words of praise:

Rejoice, first saint of our land;

Rejoice, founder of the monastic way in our land;

Rejoice, faithful servant of the Holy Trinity;

Rejoice, humble founder of the church of the Resurrection;

Rejoice, glorious hermit of the hermitage of Spruce Island;

Rejoice, loving father of the children who came to him;

Rejoice, our blessed Father Herman of Alaska, America‘s most glorious doer of wonders.

Kontakion 7

The Lord chose you, O Blessed One, to bring the light of the knowledge of God to the land of the Aleuts and there to sow the seeds of the Orthodox faith. You taught all to embrace the true faith and to call out to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 7

You reached the heights through prayer, O Blessed One. You did not forget those who were in the depths of the earth. You manifested great concern for homeless orphans, building an orphanage and a school for them. You taught them the commandments of the Lord. Therefore, because of these labors, accept from us these praises:

Rejoice, defender of the poor and orphaned;

Rejoice, their good protector;

Rejoice, builder of a home for the orphaned;

Rejoice, servant to God with your labors;

Rejoice, provider of earthly bread to the orphaned;

Rejoice, nourisher of orphans with words of eternal life;

Rejoice, our blessed Father Herman of Alaska, America‘s most glorious doer of wonders.

Kontakion 8

The Lord who loves mankind, O Blessed One, gave you the gifts of foresight and healing in His desire to manifest through you a source of compassion for his people. You brought them to the love of God through your works and many words of instruction. Enlightened by the light of your spiritual labors, the people called to the Lord: Alleluia!

Ikos 8

The people newly illumined by the light of the Christian Faith came to you in times of illness and sorrow. As a father who loved his children, you interceded for all, bringing forth healing and comfort to all who came to you for help. Your glory has gone forth throughout all Alaska and we, your spiritual children, glorify you:

Rejoice, our merciful father;

Rejoice, our unmercenary and gracious physician;

Rejoice, merciful healer of our infirmities;

Rejoice, our speedy helper in time of trouble and need;

Rejoice, foreseer of coming events as of the present;

Rejoice, perceptive reprover of hidden transgressions;

Rejoice, our blessed Father Herman of Alaska, America‘s most glorious doer of wonders.


Kontakion 9

O Blessed One, you spoke with angels, according to your own testimony, relating how the angels came to you in your hermitage and you had sweet conversation with them. Now you are in the Kingdom of Heaven where with hosts of angels you pray ceaselessly to the Creator of all and the Maker of this praise: Alleluia!

Ikos 9

Who can enumerate the miracles witnessed by your people? The waves of the sea and a fire in the forest were calmed by your prayers. When there was a great tidal wave, you caused the stormy seas to cease by your prayers before the icon of the Mother of God, saying: “The water shall not go beyond this line.” Therefore, we sing to you thus:

Rejoice, wondrous pacifier of the waters;

Rejoice, most glorious savior from a forest fire;

Rejoice, savior of the hierarch Innocent who called to you from the sea;

Rejoice, because of his prayer to you the wind at sea changed;

Rejoice, revealer of many miracles during your life;

Rejoice, revealer of many miracles even after your death;

Rejoice, our Blessed Father Herman of Alaska, America‘s most glorious doer of wonders.

Kontakion 10

We bring to you a song of praise, O blessed father, concerning your righteous life. We sing praises of your honored death. You foreknew the day and hour of your blessed end. Most glorious also was your burial. For forty days a great storm raged at sea and your prophecy concerning your burial was fulfilled. Your disciple Gerasim, sensing a wondrous fragrance at the time of your death, sang to God: Alleluia!

Ikos 10

You were a most glorious doer of wonders during your life, O Father. At your death you manifested this wondrous miracle: your body remained incorrupt in the chapel for many days after your death. The Aleut people who saw a flaming pillar ascending to Heaven at the hour of your death, sang to you thus:

Rejoice, for your righteous end has assured us of your holiness;

Rejoice, for your ascension to Heaven was like a pillar of fire;

Rejoice, for your relics exuding an odor of sanctity are left as our inheritance;

Rejoice, for many miracles are made manifest at your reliquary;

Rejoice, giver to us of a source of holy water and healing;

Rejoice, for from this water many who are afflicted received healing;

Rejoice, our blessed Father Herman of Alaska, America‘s most glorious doer of wonders.

Kontakion 11

O Holy Father, from your hermitage in the North, in the midst of the wilds of nature, you sang ceaseless praises to the Holy Trinity. Moved by the Spirit you foresaw the great flowering of this vineyard planted in the soil of America and you called out with the angels of Heaven: Alleluia!

Ikos 11

To all future members of the monastic order, you are a source of light and illumination. For you foretold, O Blessed One, the founding of a monastery and of an archbishop’s throne in this land. Today a choir of hierarchs and of monastics glorifies you in these words:

Rejoice, instructor of monastics and converser with angels;

Rejoice, most glorious founder of the ascetic way in our land;

Rejoice, foreseer of the growth of this great vineyard of Christ;

Rejoice, fulfillment of this prophecy to the coming generations;

Rejoice, giver of a true image of the monastic way;

Rejoice, for your love is made manifest to all;

Rejoice, our blessed Father Herman of Alaska, America‘s most glorious doer of wonders.

Kontakion 12

Seeing your grace and your great boldness before God, we entreat you, O blessed father Herman, to pray fervently to the Lord, that He will protect His Holy Church from faithlessness and schism, from false teaching and willfulness, that we may sing to God Who has dealt bountifully with us: Alleluia!

Ikos 12

We praise your glorification, O Blessed One, we bless you, O most powerful Intercessor and Protector of our Church, and with love we sing to you:

Rejoice, protector of all who honor you;

Rejoice, speedy responder and helper to all;

Rejoice, founder of Orthodoxy in our land;

Rejoice, strengthener of those who come to the Orthodox Faith;

Rejoice, most glorious protector of the Church in America;

Rejoice, her first saint and her wondrous Father;

Rejoice, our blessed Father Herman of Alaska, America‘s most glorious doer of wonders.

Kontakion 13

O Most glorious favorite of God, Our Blessed Father Herman, Accept this humble prayer we offer up in praise to you. Standing now before the Throne of the Almighty Lord, ceaselessly pray for us. In joy we sing to God:

Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!

Ikos 1

The Creator of the Angelic Hosts, called you, Father Herman, to proclaim the Orthodox faith in the new land and to be the founder of the monastic way in the remote lands of the North. You were sent, as was the Apostle Paul, to those sitting in darkness so that the light of Orthodoxy might brightly shine to all the ends of the world. We, the inhabitants of the American continents, bring you this thanksgiving and sing this song of praise to you, our heavenly protector:

Rejoice, our Father Herman, our glory, our adornment;

Rejoice, bringer of the light of the true faith to our lands;

Rejoice, gatherer of your own glory by your great spiritual effort;

Rejoice, most honored branch of Valaam Monastery;

Rejoice, praise and joy of the Church in America;

Rejoice, comforter and protector of all of us;

Rejoice, our blessed Father Herman of Alaska, America‘s most glorious doer of wonders.

Kontakion 1

O Chosen Doer of Wonders, most glorious favorite of Christ, our God bearing Father Herman, Alaska’s adornment, the joy of all Orthodox in America. We sing to you, our heavenly protector and powerful intercessor before God, these songs of praise. Cease not to pray for your children, who cry fervently to you:

Rejoice our blessed Father Herman of Alaska, America‘s most glorious doer of wonders.

Prayer to St. Herman of Alaska

O most wondrous, favorite of God, our blessed Father Herman, as a good laborer you did your great spiritual work in a harsh climate in this land. In your service to God, you were faithful in the little things. And, as the Lord said: “You have been faithful over a little, I well set you over much.” Now, when this word has been fulfilled in you, the Lord has set you over our whole Church, as her heavenly protector. We all call to you in fervent prayer: Entreat the Lord to keep our Holy Church steadfast in Orthodoxy and to reveal her to be an adornment of our land.

May He protect her from all the dark powers of the enemy and drive out all adversaries. May He grant us purity of faith and beauty of soul. Pray He will grant us all the spirit of peace and love, the spirit of humility and meekness and drive out the sin of pride. Save us from self praise.

Be our guard from false teachings. Give healing to the sick; to the sorrowful be a comfort. To those who hunger for spiritual truth, give the heavenly food; that we may attain our true desire, and receive the good reward at the final Judgment. With all the saints we will praise with song: the Life creating Trinity, the Ineffable Father, the True and Only-Begotten Son, the Comforter, Holy Spirit, for ever.


About akathist hymns

An akathist (Greek, akathistos) is a hymn dedicated to a saint, holy event, or one of the persons of the Holy Trinity. The word akathist itself means “not sitting.” The akathist par excellence is that written in the 6th century to the Theotokos. In its use as part of the Salutations to the Theotokos service (used in the Byzantine tradition during Great Lent), it is often known by its Greek or Arabic names, Chairetismoi and Madayeh, respectively.

The writing of akathists (occasionally spelled acathist) continues today as part of the general composition of an akolouthia, especially in the Slavic tradition, although not all are widely known nor translated beyond the original language. Most of the newer akathists are pastiche, that is, a generic form imitating the original 6th century akathist into which a particular saint’s name is inserted.

Structure of akathist hymns

The Trisagion Prayers are often said as a prelude to the akathist hymn. The akathist hymn itself is divided into thirteen parts, each of which has a kontakion and an oikos. The kontakion usually ends with the exclamation: “Alleluia!” Within the latter part of the oikos comes an anaphoric entreaty, such as “Come!” or “Rejoice!” The thirteenth kontakion (which does not have a corresponding ikos) is usually followed by the repetition of the first ikos and kontakion. After the thirteen kontakia and ikoi, additional prayers are added, such as a troparion and another kontakion. In some akathists, Psalms are also included.