Venerable Silouan of Mt. Athos (hymns)

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Venerable Silouan of Mt. Athos

Kontakion – Tone 2

O Silouan, beloved of God,
Truly amazing preacher of humility
And radiance warmed by the love for mankind of the Holy Spirit:
The Russian Church rejoices in your labors.
All monks on the Athonite mountain
And all Christian people are rejoicing as well,
Turning themselves towards God with the love of children.
Beseech Him for us, you who have seen God and are equal to the angels,
That burning with your love our souls may be saved.

Kontakion – Tone 8

During your life on earth you served Christ and followed His path;
now in Heaven you contemplate Him Whom you have loved!
Since you dwell with Him as He promised to His elect, holy Father Silouan,
instruct us now in the path that you have traveled.

Troparion – Tone 2

O all-blessed Father Silouan,
Flaming zealot of the seraphim’s love for the Lord
And fervent imitator of Jeremiah who wept for the people,
Hearing the call of the Mother of the Lord of Hosts,
With wise courage you spewed out the sinful serpent
And withdrew from the snares of the world to the mountain of Athos,
Where in labors and prayer, joined with tears,
In abundance you acquired the grace of the holy Spirit with which our hearts are enflamed.
Being strengthened by you, we cry out with compunction:
My Lord, my Life and the Joy of your saint,
Save the world and us from all cruel things!

Troparion – Tone 4

On the path of humility,
by your prayers you received Christ as your Master.
In your heart the Holy Spirit witnessed to your salvation.
Therefore all people called to live in hope rejoice and celebrate your memory!
Holy Father Silouan, pray to Christ God to save our souls.