Joy of all the Sorrowful

Read time: 1 min3514 Hits

Joy of all the Sorrowful

Troparion – Tone 4

Let us, sinful and humbled,
now earnestly run to the Mother of God, and let us fall down in repentance,
crying from the depths of our soul: O Lady, help, have compassion on us.
Make haste, for we perish from the multitude of our sins.
Turn not thy servants empty away, for we have thee as our only hope.

Another Troparion – Tone 2

Thou art the joy of all the sorrowful and the protectoress of the oppressed,
feeder of the hungry, consolation of travelers,
haven for the tempest-tossed, visitation of the sick,
protection and aid of the infirm, staff of old age,
O all-pure Mother of the Most High God.
Hasten, we pray, to save thy servants.

Kontakion – Tone 2

We have no other help,
we have no other hope, apart from thee,
O Lady: help us.
We hope in thee and in thee we glory.
Let us not be confounded for we are thy servants.