The Orthodox Study Bible, Thomas Nelson

By: Thomas Nelson, pub7665 Hits

Orthodox Study Bible

The Orthodox Study Bible: Ancient Christianity Speaks to Today’s World

The Orthodox Study Bible: Ancient Christianity Speaks to Today’s World, Conciliar Press, published by Thomas Nelson

The FIRST EVER Orthodox Study Bible presents the Bible of the early church and the church of the early Bible.

The Orthodox Study Bible presents the Bible of the early Church and the Church of the early Bible. Believers of the Orthodox Christian faith now have a clear and compelling study resource enabling them to delve into the riches of Holy Scripture. Prepared by a pan-Orthodox team of scholars and pastors, The Orthodox Study Bible brings to one volume the words of Scripture and the understanding of those words from the earliest days of the Christian era. More importantly, this Bible is a treasury of Christian commentary for all Christians of the twenty-first century.

This new Orthodox Study Bible features: Old Testament from the Septuagint, NKJV New Testament, Insightful commentary from Christian writers of the first ten centuries, Introductions and outlines to each book of the Bible, Lectionary to guide your Bible reading through the Church year, Morning and Evening Prayers, Beautiful full-color icons.  1822 pages.