Prayer in Preparation for Death

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In Preparation for Death

O Lord, look upon me, Your creature, and the work of Your hands.

Take away my fear,
and send Your angel to comfortme with the strength of Your presence,
even as You werecomforted in Your agony.

I commend everyone I love to Your providence and care,
knowing that You will do more for themthan I could ever desire.

O Lord, You know my sins; havemercy on me,
and in Your wealth of love and compassion formankind,
let heaven be opened to me.

May I see the angels rejoicing over me, an unworthy sinner,
as I am received into Your Kingdom.

I am not worthy of Your love for me,
but I trustthat You will not abandon me to the eternal death of hell.

By the prayers of Mary, Your Mother, and of all the saints,
may I be counted among those who behold the light of Your face.

May I offer You the praise and worship which are my eternallife and joy.

For You are my life and my resurrection,
and Your arms will receive me in love, O Jesus,
and I glorify You, with Your Father, Who is without beginning,
and Your most holy, good, and life-creating Spirit,
now and ever unto ages ofages. Amen.